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Is breastfeeding and alcohol safe?

2 min read

Is breastfeeding and alcohol safe?


Becoming a mum is an amazing experience. Bringing that bundle of joy in this world is a remarkable feeling… that soft and precious touch, beautiful smile… life looks fantastic. This summer, you can make it more amazing by enjoying a drink (yes, you read it right)!

Juggling breastfeeding or expressing with a celebratory glass can be difficult for new mums to manage, especially if they have no way to measure how much they are drinking in that narrow window of time they have.

  • Alcohol will be in your breastmilk 30–60 minutes after you start drinking.
  • ‘Pumping and dumping’ (expressing breastmilk and throwing it away) will not reduce the amount of alcohol in your breastmilk.
  • It is best to wait till after the first month before drinking.

As a general rule, it takes 2 hours for an average woman to process 1 standard drink of alcohol from their body and breastmilk and therefore 4 hours for 2 drinks, so forth. This is according to Australian Breastfeeding Association.

New mums, plan ahead

  • Download Feed Safe app which assesses your weight and height to tailor the wait time after consuming a standard drink. 
  • Use glassware by The Standard Drink Company for the perfect standard drink pour.
  • New mums can rest easy knowing they can join in with the festivities without worrying about their new bubs.

Experienced mums can unwind too. Relax knowing you can keep within the recommended 2 standard drink a day health guideline. You can be the very best you, for your family. 

As Seen In
The Standard Drink Company Kidspot Feature Article


The Standard Drink Company Single Pour LinesSound complex? 

A restaurant typical serving size can be more than double the standard drink. That means the mellow glass you were enjoying actually gave you double the alcohol. You will never have that problem using glassware by The Standard Drink Company, as it provides you multiple pour lines for a range of alcohol content to suit your drink of choice this holiday. Whether it's a chilled chardonnay or a rich pinot.


The perfect gift

If you’re a concerned mamma, or perhaps looking for the perfect gift for a mum you know, one of these glasses may just be the perfect gift.

  • You know she’s already tired of getting those relaxing bath soaks she can’t use in case the baby needs her anyway, and those massage certificates will expire before she has time to use them.
  • Give her a gift she will really thank you for, by empowering her to enjoy a drink and be part of the celebrations, without worrying about how long until she is able to feed her baby again. 
  • Whip out these glasses at your next mother’s groups gathering and really impress your fellow mums with some classy tableware which is practical at the same time.


Drink mindfully and with confidence. A standard drink in every glass, takes the thinking out of drinking.

Click to learn how our glassware help you pour a standard drink

The Standard Drink Company Multi Pour Line System



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